Club Raffle – online raffle open to all members

The Club has a beautiful double/queen mink style blanket, 1500 x 2 meters, that is being offered in a raffle to members. The picture below is similar to the one on the blanket.

$5.00 a ticket, or five for $20.00

Tickets can be purchased online by making a payment to the Club’s bank account
03 0149 0089402 00 with your surname as the reference.
Please email Mary Waugh (Secretary) with a screenshot of your payment and she will send by return email a snip picture of your ticket.

Raffle will be drawn at our Christmas Ribbon Parade on the 26th November 2023 and will be Posted free to the winner if they are a NZ based member.

Rally O / Puppy Socialisation / BBQ Sun 24th Sep

Come and Join us for a fun Club Day on Sunday 24th Sep 2023 suitable for all.
Rally O – Sally Felton with her Rally O Grand Champion ‘Tui’ and Luana Coulam will give a demonstration and then set an easy course for anyone who wants to take part.
Puppy Socialisation – Your puppies can join in the fun, but (please ensure that they are fully vaccinated)
BBQ – stay for a BBQ with hot and cold drinks availableCome and have a catch up with the committee!
New members welcome.

Please ensure that your puppies are fully vaccinated

See Flyer for full details

Date 24th Sep [Sunday]
Time 10.30 Start
Where NZKC Kennel Club, Obedience Grounds, 743 Clevedon Road, Ardmore
What Rally O, Puppy Socialisation, BBQ
Entries $5 entry fee per dog – cash only/no eftpos
Food & Drink There will be a BBQ with hot and cold drinks available

Any queries contact Mary Waugh 027 292 7483

Click here for map.

Walk for Older Labradors

31 Griggs Road, Whitford Sun 16th April@9.45

Pat Woollaston has kindly opened up her property in Whitford for a Club Walk for the Lab oldies. Please lock in Sunday 16th April if you have a Labrador 10 years + or is compromised and can’t manage the normal Labrador walks.

See flyer

Date: Sunday 16th April
Time: 9.45 start
Where: 31 Griggs Road, Whitford
Dogs: Labradors aged 10 years + or those that are compromised and can’t walk far.
RSVP: Luana 0212995880 as a courtesy would be appreciated.
Inquiries: Contact: Pat 0274944914

  • Griggs Road is off the main Whitford Highway (on your right about 7.5 km from Botany Town Centre).
  • After you turn into Griggs Road travel down the new road through the trees at the turnaround – approximately .5km from the main highway.
  • Please park on the road and walk through the pedestrian gate.
  • Please keep your dogs on the lead until everyone has arrived.

Lab Club FUN DAY Sun 12th March

Come along with your Labrador and other family wannabe Labradors for some fun! Suitable for all ages/abilities. New members welcome.

Please ensure that your puppies are fully vaccinated

See Flyer for full details

Date 12th March [Sunday]
Time Registration at 10.00
Where Kennel Club Grounds, 743 Clevedon Road, Ardmore Click here for map.
Games Blind man’s Bluff, Obstacle Course, Hi vis Relay, Water Retrieve
Puppies Opportunities to socialise your puppies and do some lead training
Bring CASH and your children / grandchildren prizes for the young ones
Entries $5 entry fee per family
Food & Drink There will be a BBQ and drinks available