Christmas Ribbon Parade and Fun Event Sun 8th Dec 2024

Santa Our final event for 2024 is our Ribbon Parade / Games / Santa visit – we would love to see you there for a BBQ, Raffles and lots of fun. New members and visitors welcome. See Flyer for full details

Date 8th December [ Sunday]
Time Entries from 9.45, Games start 10.00, Ribbon Parade starts approx. 11.00
Where Kennel Club Grounds, Clevedon Road, Ardmore Click here for map. Look for the Club sign.
Games with dogs for Children [2yrs to 90]
Cost All entries are Free. All Specials Free
Father Christmas Those with children please bring a gift for santas sack, clearly labelled with name, and worth max $10.00. Christmas Cake and Bubbles for Adults.
Photos Get your Labradors photo taken with santa – gold coin donation to Lab Club Rescue.
Food & Drink There will be a BBQ and drinks available for sale – bring some cash
Raffles 2025 Club Calendars $10.00 – Limited number left, don’t miss out!

*** Ribbon Parade *** Judge Anne Phipps
Ribbon parade event is open to all Labradors, young pups (as long as your puppy is fully vaccinated), old veterans, those in the middle, pets and show dogs. We will be having a quick Novice Handler ring craft class prior to the start of the Ribbon Parade for those wishing to learn.
For details of all the classes there will be please see the flyer

Below are some photos taken from a previous years event [Gallery not found]

Walk Sunset Beach Sun 13th Oct

Sunset Beach at Port Waikato Sun 13th October

Meet at 9.45am for a 10.00am start as it will be low tide then and better for the walk.

See flyer for full details.

Off to the beach again. It is Sunset Beach at Port Waikato and there is miles of beach
for the dogs to explore. For those who would like it is certainly good swimming and
popular with surfers.

It seems a long drive out but is only 30 minutes from Pokeno. Full directions below.
These walks are suitable for any healthy dog and owner of reasonable fitness but the
dogs must be over 10 months old and be under fairly good control.
Walking will be mostly on the beach so shoes can be worn or not as wished but
everyone will need towels for afterwards as the dogs will take full advantage of the
sea. It is also advisable to take some water for your dogs.
We love to see all the family on these walks and they are not exclusive to Labradors.

After the walk we have had a very kind invitation from Sue Rae to her holiday house, which is close by, for coffee.

If you have any queries please ring Luana Coulam 0212995880

Southern motorway to Pokeno.
At Pokeno take Pokeno Rd to Tuakau – this becomes Whangarata Rd.
Drive straight to the end and turn left to Port Waikato – don’t go into Tuakau.
Go over a bridge and turn right where there is a sign to Waikato Holiday Camp.
Carry along this road until you see a sign which says Sunset Beach along with other
signs on the same post.
You will end up at a big parking area right by the sea we will meet there.
NOTE: There is reduced parking near the surf club due to recent storm damage but plenty of parking round the corner

Click here to see where we meet.

First Aid for Dogs Sun 11th Aug

FIRST AID COURSE venue change

The Labrador Club is running a First Aid for Dogs and introduction to co-operative care DAY see flyer for more details

Thank you to those people that have registered by the cut-off date. Due to the low numbers we are now holding the Labrador Club First Aid session at a private property.

Attendees have been contacted and a further email will go out to them later this week with detailed directions.

THERE IS ONE PERSON THAT HAS REGISTERED AND PAID THAT KLAYRE HAS BEEN UNABLE TO GET A RESPONSE FROM. If you are that person could you please urgently contact Klayre on

If you were still hoping on a late entry then please email with the number of humans and dogs and we will see if there is space to accommodate you.

Would you know WHAT TO DO in a dog emergency ?
How would you KNOW if it was an emergency?

If you answered “no” to either of these questions then our First Aid course could be just the thing for you, and it could save your dog’s life.

When: Sunday 11th Aug at 9.30am
Cost: $5.00 per family (including your leashed dog)
Tea, coffee, biscuits available.
Please bring some kibble / treats to positively reinforce your dog with.

Please ensure your dog has his/her lead. Puppies welcome but must be fully vaccinated.

You are encouraged to bring your dog to practise on. If you are a new member and your puppy has yet to have all his/her vaccinations, it is advisable to leave pup at home, however you are more than welcome – we would love to say hi. You will still learn some very useful skills in the care of your Labrador should you need to administer first aid.

Forest Walk in Hunua Sun 21st July

Gillespie Road Hunua Sun 21st July

See flyer

Our next club walk planned is in Hunua on private property where they have a forest and 2 paddocks all fully fenced for the dogs to explore. There are also water holes and troughs.

Date: Sunday 21st July
Time: 10.00 start – please aim to arrive around 9.45 am (not before)
Where: 84 Gillespie Road Hunua
Cost: $15.00 per family for up to 2 hours of fun so we can have the place to ourselves.
Reminder: All dogs must be over 10 months of age and fully vaccinated.

  • Grass strip on your left once you pass the house.
  • Please, no dogs near the house.
  • On arrival please keep your dogs on lead.
  • Dogs can be let off lead once you have gone through the first deer gate down the gravel road.


  • Exit at Papakura off-ramp at Beach Road, continue onto Settlement Road
  • Turn Right onto Liverpool Street
  • Straight (2nd exit) at the roundabout onto Opaheke Road
  • Turn left onto Boundary Road
  • Turn right onto Hunua Road
  • Turn right onto Gillespie Road
  • Destination on the right
  • Click here to see location.

See you there! If you have any queries please ring Luana on 0212995880

Stroll for Older Labradors

31 Griggs Road, Whitford Sun 9th June@9.45

Pat and Mike Gething have offered their lovely property in Whitford on the 9th June as a location for the next Labrador Walk. If your Labrador is 10 years plus or has compromised movement this event is for you and your lab.

See flyer

Date: Sunday 9th June
Time: 9.45 start
Where: 31 Griggs Road, Whitford
Dogs: Labradors aged 10 years + or those that are compromised and can’t walk far.
RSVP: Luana 0212995880 as a courtesy would be appreciated.
Inquiries re venue: Contact: Pat 0274944914

  • Griggs Road is off the main Whitford Highway (on your right about 7.5 km from Botany Town Centre).
  • After you turn into Griggs Road travel down the new road through the trees at the turnaround – approximately .5km from the main highway.
  • Please park on the road and walk through the pedestrian gate.
  • Please keep your dogs on the lead until everyone has arrived.

Lab Club FUN DAY Sun 24th March

Bring your willingness to have lots of fun! Labrador(s) and other family wannabe Labradors
All ages/abilities welcome.

Please ensure that your puppies are fully vaccinated

This fun day is open to all members and participating Labradors….
We will put you into teams (early registration is important) for the events.
Team with the highest points wins the event

Bring CASH, your children / grandchildren, lead, a water bowl, poop bags, cover for the sun

See Flyer for full details

Date 24th March [Sunday]
Time Registration at 10.00 – 10.30
Where NZKC Grounds, 743 Clevedon Road, Ardmore Click here for map.
Games Blind man’s Bluff, Obstacle Course, Hi vis Relay, Water Retrieve
Puppies Opportunities to socialise your vaccinated puppies
Children Child and junior handler points – Lots of prizes for the young ones
Entries Member Entry fee $0.00 / family and $5.00 for non-members /family
Food & Drink There will be a BBQ and drinks available – please bring CASH

Forest Walk in Hunua Sun 25th Feb

Gillespie Road Hunua Sun 25th Feb

See flyer

Our next club walk planned is in Hunua on private property where they have a forest and 2 paddocks all fully fenced for the dogs to explore. There are also water holes and troughs.

Date: Sunday 25th Feb
Time: 10.00 start – please aim to arrive around 9.45 am (not before)
Where: 84 Gillespie Road Hunua
Cost: $15.00 per family for up to 2 hours of fun so we can have the place to ourselves.
Reminder: All dogs must be over 10 months of age and fully vaccinated.

  • Grass strip on your left once you pass the house.
  • Please, no dogs near the house.
  • On arrival please keep your dogs on lead.
  • Dogs can be let off lead once you have gone through the first deer gate down the gravel road.


  • Exit at Papakura off-ramp at Beach Road, continue onto Settlement Road
  • Turn Right onto Liverpool Street
  • Straight (2nd exit) at the roundabout onto Opaheke Road
  • Turn left onto Boundary Road
  • Turn right onto Hunua Road
  • Turn right onto Gillespie Road
  • Destination on the right
  • Click here to see location.

See you there! If you have any queries please ring Luana on 0212995880

Christmas Ribbon Parade and Fun Event Sun 26th Nov 2023

Santa Our final event for 2023 is our Ribbon Parade / Games / Santa flyby – we would love to see you there for a BBQ, Raffles and lots of fun. New members and visitors welcome. See Flyer for full details

Date 26th November [ Sunday]
Time Entries 10.00–10.20, Games start 10.30, Judging starts approx. 11.15
Where Kennel Club Grounds, Clevedon Road, Ardmore Click here for map. Look for the Club sign.
Games with dogs for Children [2yrs to 90]
Father Christmas Those with children please bring a gift for santas sack, clearly labelled with name, and worth max $10.00. Christmas Cake and Bubbles for Adults.
Photos Get your Labradors photo taken with santa – gold coin donation to Lab Club Rescue.
Food & Drink There will be a BBQ and drinks available for sale – bring some cash
Raffle A lovely Labrador fleece blanket $5.00 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20.00
Club Calendars $10.00 – we are running out so please put your order in

*** Ribbon Parade *** Judge Gay Meredith
Ribbon parade event is open to all Labradors, young pups (as long as your puppy is fully vaccinated), old veterans, those in the middle, pets and show dogs. We will be having a quick Novice Handler ring craft class prior to the start of the Ribbon Parade for those wishing to learn.
For details of all the classes there will be please see the flyer

Below are some photos taken from a previous years event [Gallery not found]

Club Raffle – online raffle open to all members

The Club has a beautiful double/queen mink style blanket, 1500 x 2 meters, that is being offered in a raffle to members. The picture below is similar to the one on the blanket.

$5.00 a ticket, or five for $20.00

Tickets can be purchased online by making a payment to the Club’s bank account
03 0149 0089402 00 with your surname as the reference.
Please email Mary Waugh (Secretary) with a screenshot of your payment and she will send by return email a snip picture of your ticket.

Raffle will be drawn at our Christmas Ribbon Parade on the 26th November 2023 and will be Posted free to the winner if they are a NZ based member.