Lab Walk Maramarua forest Sun 18th Feb

UPDATE – this was a great day for a walk – see photos

Meet at 10.00am and start the walk at 10.15am

see flyer here

On Sunday 18th February we have permission to meet and walk the dogs in the Maramarua Forest and there is a track which is not too steep, has some water holes (for the dog’s enjoyment) and will give us as long as we like to walk with forest on one side and farmland on the other side.

It will be a there and back the same way walk unless anyone is very keen as the circular routes take several hours to walk and are easier on a horse!

As usual these walks are not suitable for dogs under 10 months as they can get over done by the bigger dogs and the excitement of the occasion. Also we will be parking outside the forest gate so all dogs must be on leads until they get into the forest.

The tracks are firm and good walking shoes or sneakers will be fine. Of course other clothes depend on what the weather is like, but the walk will be on rain, hail, or snow!! However the only real worry is if there are very high winds blowing at the time, as forest trees can lose their branches in those conditions and that can be dangerous. If there is a doubt phone the contact numbers below.

Drive to Maramarua along State Highway 2 (stick to the speed limits – the traffic cops are everywhere along that road)! Turn right into Ferndale Road – on one corner is the Pukeko’s Nest Cafe and on the other corner is the Maramarua Vet Clinic.

Follow Ferndale Road for 3.5kms until you see the start of the forestry on your left. Where the trees start there is our gate set back off the road. Park there.

Click here to see what the parking place looks like

We will meet at 10.00am and start the walk at 10.15am
The Pukeko’s Nest Cafe is also a good refreshment place for after the walk!

Sally Felton 0272294803

See here for some photos taken at a previous walk at this spot

Christmas Ribbon Parade and Fun Event 3rd Dec 2017

See next bulletin for photos of this great day – below are a few extras that were taken

Santa This is our last function of the year and the committee would love to see you all!!! santa will be there, BBQ, raffles and lots of fun. See Flyer for full details

Date 3rd December [ Sunday]
Time Entries 10.15–10.30, Games start 10.30, Judging starts approx. 11.15
Where Kennel Club Grounds, Clevedon Road, Ardmore Click here for map. Look for the Club sign.
Games with dogs for Children [2yrs to 90]
Father ChristmasThose with children please bring a gift for santas sack, clearly labelled with name, and worth max $5.00.
Food & Drink There will be a BBQ and drinks available
Raffle & merchandise There will be a raffle with multiple prizes & club merchandise on sale

*** Ribbon Parade ***
Ribbon parade event is open to all Labradors, young pups, old veterans, those in the middle, pets and show dogs.

Below are some photos taken from a previous years event

Walk for Senior Labradors

A number of members got together on Saturday 23rd July for a walk specifically and solely for our “Senior” Labradors.  The weather luckily held out for us and our veterans thoroughly enjoyed a leisurely on lead stroll.  Lots of lovely new smells for the dogs accompanied by their humans who walked at a suitable very slow pace and stopped frequently to view the surroundings.  The relaxed pace suited everyone and what we thought might be a 30 minute walk – turned into a very enjoyable 60 minute walk.

Amazing Race Sun 20th Mar 2016

Please see flyer for details

We have had an “amazing” response and your Committee is really excited about this event.  Since we now know it is absolutely going to happen, we want to offer all other members the opportunity to participate as well. So please contact our Secretary Mary by 12 March 2016 at the very latest, if you want to join in on the fun.

If you would like to participate, but can’t get a team together, or don’t have a vehicle, please let Mary know. There may be others in the same boat and perhaps you will be able to team up We are not making any promises here though, so please don’t hold us to it!!!!!

The cost is $20 per team (team must include at least 1 club member and 1 Labrador). Club bank account is 03 0149 0089402 00 please add your name and AR as reference

If you have friends who are not Club members and they want to enter a team – no problem but entry fee is $25 for a non-member team

At the finish there will be a BBQ lunch for all (usual costs eg $2 per sausage) plus a raffle

The event should take about two and half hours and dogs of all ages can come providing they are fully vaccinated

We hope to see you there.

Mary Waugh
Secretary The Labrador Club Inc

Walk Woodhill forest Sun 19th Apr

Sunday 19th April Woodhill Forest – Muriwai

We were really lucky with the weather and had a great morning – see photos

LabWalk19Apr2015 021LabWalk19Apr2015 025LabWalk19Apr2015 028

Meet at 9.45am for a 10.00am start

See flyer for full details.

Join us for our next club walk in Muriwai Forest. Bring your family, dogs, leads, suitable walking shoes and, if you wish, some snacks and water.  Walk can be up to 2 hours long so ensure your dogs are reasonably fit. Dogs can run free once we are in the forest but should be on leads before the walk starts.  These walks are not suitable for puppies under 10 months old.  Remember towels for wet dogs at the end of the walk!

There is a very nice cafe near the Muriwai beach and those who want to usually call in
there to refresh themselves after the walk.

I won’t be able to be at this walk but if you have any queries please ring any of;
Pat Woollaston 02749449143
Mike Gething 0272442143
Sally Felton 0272294803

Take Highway 16 to Helensville and take the Muriwai turnoff. When you get to Muriwai, follow the main road down the hill until you get to the Fire Station, turn right along Coast Road and drive past the Golf course to the car park where the walk will start. Entrance to the walk is across the road, so dogs on leads there. Click here for map of where we meet.

We are always looking for new places to go to for our Club walks. If you know of
any please tell me (Sally, see number above) or anyone on the Committee. They need
to be areas where dogs can be safely off lead and with no worries of stock which
could be upset.

See here for photos taken at our last walk at this location.

Walk Whitford forest Sun 15th Feb

Sunday 15th February 9.00am Whitford Forest

A few photos have been added from this walk to show the happy, muddy Labradors who were there

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See flyer for full details
Meet at 8.45am and start the walk at 9.00am. Do bring drinks with you
plus any food you may need. Clothes suitable for the weather and comfortable shoes. The tracks are firm but there are water holes which the dogs will make full use of so it would be sensible to bring dog towels.

Dogs should be reasonably fit and under control. These walks are not suitable for dogs under 10 months of age and with the hot weather it can be quite hard for the older dogs. It is not restricted to members so family and friends are very welcome. We walk for about two hours or until everyone has gone far enough so it can be quite tough for small children.

Drive through Whitford and follow the Whitford/Maraetai Road. This becomes
Maraetai Drive and takes you down to the Maraetai beach and a round-about. At this round-about you turn right into Rewa Road which is twisty and takes you back to theforest. At the end of Rewa Road is where we meet. There are houses around so please park carefully and do not block anyone’s drive.
Keep your dogs on leads until we go into the forest.

Click here for map of where we meet.

If you have any queries or need directions on route, ring Sally 0272294803

Christmas Events

The Labrador club hold a Christmas event each year usually early December.
Have a look at some photos from these events.

Christmas - Best dressed

Best Fancy Dress

Christmas - Santa visits

Santa Visited

Chrismas - Best on Parade

Best on Parade

Christmas - 1st


Christmas - Ribbon Parade winners

Ribbon Parade winners