Stroll for Older Labradors

31 Griggs Road, Whitford Sun 9th June@9.45

Pat and Mike Gething have offered their lovely property in Whitford on the 9th June as a location for the next Labrador Walk. If your Labrador is 10 years plus or has compromised movement this event is for you and your lab.

See flyer

Date: Sunday 9th June
Time: 9.45 start
Where: 31 Griggs Road, Whitford
Dogs: Labradors aged 10 years + or those that are compromised and can’t walk far.
RSVP: Luana 0212995880 as a courtesy would be appreciated.
Inquiries re venue: Contact: Pat 0274944914

  • Griggs Road is off the main Whitford Highway (on your right about 7.5 km from Botany Town Centre).
  • After you turn into Griggs Road travel down the new road through the trees at the turnaround – approximately .5km from the main highway.
  • Please park on the road and walk through the pedestrian gate.
  • Please keep your dogs on the lead until everyone has arrived.