Gillespie Road Hunua Sun 30th March
See flyer
Our next club walk planned is in Hunua on private property where they have a forest and 2 paddocks all fully fenced for the dogs to explore. There are also water holes and troughs.
Date: Sunday 30th March
Time: 10.30 am start – please aim to arrive around 10.15 am (not before)
Where: 84 Gillespie Road Hunua
Cost: $15.00 per family for up to 2 hours of fun so we can have the place to ourselves.
Reminder: All dogs must be over 10 months of age and fully vaccinated.
- Grass strip on your left once you pass the house.
- Please, no dogs near the house.
- On arrival please keep your dogs on lead.
- Dogs can be let off lead once you have gone through the first deer gate down the gravel road.
- Exit at Papakura off-ramp at Beach Road, continue onto Settlement Road
- Turn Right onto Liverpool Street
- Straight (2nd exit) at the roundabout onto Opaheke Road
- Turn left onto Boundary Road
- Turn right onto Hunua Road
- Turn right onto Gillespie Road
- Destination on the right
- Click here to see location.
See you there! If you have any queries please ring Luana on 0212995880